Focusing on your wins – week 4

This was a hard week for me to come up with wins. Our house is a mess. We have had one flood back in May, where the construction has yet to be completed. Last week, we had a second larger flood that has taken out half of our downstair’s flooring. The house will be under construction the entire summer the way this is going.

The current state of one of our bathrooms.

My middle child also landed up with second degree burns from a sunburn that he received on a rafting trip at camp. He was miserable for days. As I have quoted in a previous blog, “you are only as happy as your least happy child.”

My middle child having fun at camp despite his burnt leg.

I have also been full of self doubt and continue to get stuck on what “should” have happened for me this year if I had not injured myself. I have also lost my patience with my kids more times than I can count. I often have a hard time letting things go.

Sometimes things look better from a distance, than they do head on.

Regardless, of all of these little things , I’m trying my best to find some good in day to day life. (Yes, these are all little in the scheme of life).  I realize that none of this is earth shattering and they won’t matter as much as time passes. My house will be fixed, my son’s burns will continue to heal and I will move past what could have been for me & appreciate this alternative route that I have been given. I also know that my kids will eventually grow up & will hopefully listen more. (Please let that be true!!)

My 3 kids not fighting is always a win!

As for my wins-

1. I had two fun kid-free adventures within the last week with friends. For the first one, there are no pictures to document that it happened, but it was great regardless. I met up with an old friend that I hadn’t seen in almost a year and we went to Carowinds together. We had a blast riding every roller coaster we could. When we got nauseated, we sat down and talked for a long time. We caught up on all the craziness of the past year & truly enjoyed each other’s company.

I also went to a concert with a friend to see one of my favorite bands from my teenage years. The Indigo Girls delivered a phenomenal show & we sang along to all our favorite songs.

“There’s more than one answer to these questions pointing me in a crooked line. And the less I seek my source for some definitive, the closer I am to fine.”

2. After just about 6 months, I have been released from Physical Therapy. I am free to resume my aerial practice, with minimal restrictions. My shoulder isn’t perfect, but I have gained much of the strength & stability back that I had lost. This will continue to be a lesson in moderation & patience for me, as I don’t want to land up where I started. I was fortunate to have a phenomenal physical therapist, who took the time to learn about the aerial arts, so he could truly help me. He was also very patient with me and answered about 8 zillion & one questions.

I am loving being back in the air again!

3. My in-laws are visiting this week and are looking for houses to eventually move down here from New York. It will be amazing to have them close by after being apart from them for the past decade. My children will truly benefit from having their grandparents as part of their day to day life. My hubby and I will surely benefit from date nights where we don’t have to pay for a babysitter, as well.  Life is good!

My in-laws on last summer’s Disney cruise

What are your wins??

8 thoughts on “Focusing on your wins – week 4

  1. The losing patience with my kid (currently for me is with the first one as the baby hasn’t gotten big enough to test my patience too much yet)… something I keep telling myself to stay calm and be patient every single time, yet so hard! And I also have a hard time letting thing go!!!

    I hope your week starts to get better and we can see the positive more than the negatives. I so need to remind myself!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Aya! It’s hard to maintain patience with our kids- big & little. My little isn’t as little as yours! We can all benefit from these reminders here and there (me especially!)


  2. Sadly they dont always listen more as they age. My son is 17 going on 30. Thank God for my dad’s genes that my hair has not greyed yet.
    BUT he smiles at me, He loves his pizza and showers me with love for that moment. Then he says goodnight Mom and I watch him sleep. IN THAT MOMENT, all is forgiven, his new rebellious haircut and WHY he chose to lose weight. I remember the young innocent face and eyes, the shy smile, you still have all that.
    YOU are rich and blessed beyond measure.
    It gets harder but there are always rewards.
    They are our little solders and we will always be their best guardians.
    I send a hug, from one Mom to another!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful response and for sharing those sweet anecdotes about your son. He sounds wonderful! I know it gets easier and then harder and then easier again. Sending a hug right back at ya.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. PS, I have a 21year old daughter as well. She is a bookworm, hates the phone and has yet to date, she is that discerning. So yes, I have the both types at home. 🙂

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