Focusing on Your Wins- Week 2

In an effort to be more positive, I am making a concerted effort to focus on the things I have accomplished, as well as the things that make me happy. I have a tendency to overthink and get stuck in a path of negative thinking. I can easily obsess and get bogged down by what went wrong, as opposed to celebrate what went right. Right now, for example, I could be getting upset because it’s 2 am and I can’t sleep. I could be thinking of how exhausted I’ll be in the morning and how horrible it will be taking care of three crazy kids and an even crazier dog without a full night’s sleep. Instead, I am “trying” to be thankful for the quiet and for the opportunity to write from the comfort of my own bed, while I listen to my dog snore.

Reese had no interest in taking a bath in the little pool, but loves playing in it with his siblings when it is empty or full of rain water.

After receiving some positive feedback about sharing last week’s wins, I have decided to make this a weekly feature. My life is fairly mundane and these “wins” are nothing earth shattering, but they are the happenings of the past week that made me smile.

1. All 3 of my kids had an amazing first week of camp. They all looked forward to going and came home with fun stories about the trips they went on and the activities they participated in. It’s a beautiful thing when you can drop off all three kids at one place, not have to make lunches, and most importantly have them all be happy.  During the time they were at camp, I had a chance to relax, exercise, and catch up with friends. It was a win for me and a win for the kids!


2. One of my goals for this summer is a big one. We have too much stuff. The kids have too many toys and our pup, Reese, seems to find them all delectable. We have a ridiculous cycle that repeats itself throughout the day. Reese chews on a toy, the kids freak out, screech at decibels that are inhuman and chase him around the house. I hope to do some major purging to help with this issue and just to eliminate all the crap that we don’t need or use. This week, I donated 2 bags of toys and clothes to charity. This is really the tip of the iceberg in terms of what needs to be done, but it’s a start!

The path to an organized house begins with a single gargbage bag.

3. I tried something new and faced a fear in the process. I have always been claustrophobic. I hate enclosed spaces where I can’t see an exit. Crowded elevators freak me out and I will often opt for the stairs. Back in the winter, when having an MRI for my shoulder, it took a prescription of Valium to help me through it. I was mistakenly given twice the recommended dose for someone my size and was called “loopy Lauren” for the rest of the day.

On Tuesday, my cousin and I checked out Float Carolina to enjoy some floating.  Floating therapy is noted to have many health benefits including: reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, relieving aches and pains, and the list goes on. So for an hour, I floated and relaxed within the confines of a 4 foot wide by 8 foot long tank filled with salt water. On first glance, I thought that there was no way that I could close the tank. However, after realizing I was in control and could open it at any moment, I decided to close it all the way. I’m so glad I did! I left the experience feeling relaxed, empowered, and free from some of the muscular aches that I had been experiencing from amping up my workouts this past week. I highly recommend checking this out!

What are your wins for the week?

18 thoughts on “Focusing on Your Wins- Week 2

  1. BabblingMummy July 1, 2018 — 5:02 pm

    Sounds like the kids had lots of fun at camp :). And great work on facing a fear and getting all relaxed in the process. Deffo a win for all of you! 🙂 look forward to reading your wins next week 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I hope you have a great week full of wins!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wins for the week: applying for new jobs, thinking positively, and a whole lot of writing.

    Love that float tank. Very relaxing and meditative. I think you will continue to improve and think more positively. Best of luck 🙂


    1. Those are awesome wins!!! Yes, it was extremely relaxing! I need to work on the meditative part of it.


  3. Dale Fermaglich July 2, 2018 — 12:42 am

    Excellent as usual, that floating therapy sounded very interesting, sounds like something I need to try.


    1. I just learned there is one in deer park. Or you can easily try it when you move down here


      1. Dale Fermaglich July 2, 2018 — 1:15 pm

        Excellent as usual, that floating therapy sounded very interesting, sounds like something I need to try.
        Sounds like a plan


  4. This was a great read. I definitely need to check out floating as therapy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! Definitely check it out. It was so much fun!


  5. I enjoy reading your post! pics of kids are beautiful !


  6. Love this!! What a powerful practice. I want to hear more about your floating experience. I could use it to help with stress and sleep!


    1. You would love it! Do it to unwind after your trip. Look out for week 3 of my wins!


  7. Well, I slept more….that’s for sure and the other, Lauren, is that I got a new job, that I really like.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Congrats on the new job!!! Those are both wins for sure!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you, Dr. Lauren. 😊😊


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