Hungry Hungry Humans and the Psychological Ramifications of Sports Injuries

This weekend, I went back to Aerial CLT- a place that was once a second home to me. I used to show up at my happy place multiple times per week to take classes, practice, and to just be around a group of fun, crazy, and supportive people. I wish I was going back to resume my normal practice, but I am not there yet. I am gaining much of the strength back in my shoulder that I lost from my injury, but still not enough to resume my aerial practice.


Instead, I went back to play Hungry Hungry Humans. Basically, a bunch of adults dress up in silly costumes and use the silks to propel themselves to pick up plastic balls & place them in a sack created by the knot on a the bottom of the tied up silk. A picture is worth a 1,000 words with this one.

I am not even going to try to explain these pictures.


I was hesitant to show up there, as I have been hesitant to come to any aerial related event these past few months. To be a part of something and then to suddenly have it taken away, left me feeling like I was stuck in no (wo)man’s land. I wasn’t sure if I belonged any more. In my last post about my injury, I talked about the feelings of loss and depression that I have experienced with this, as well as it’s impact on my parenting. After I posted it, I had others reach out to me to say they related to this. Some of them were away from their aerial practice or sport of choice because of injuries or because of financial issues, moves, illnesses, or other stressful life circumstances. I am far from alone with this experience.

When coming to these events, I am afraid that my jealousy will keep me from enjoying myself. After all, just about everyone else in the room is able to do something that I can’t do right now.

However, I’m glad I did show up. In the moment, I was just happy to see friends, laugh, and play a silly game in a ridiculous costume. I didn’t focus on my limitations and just had fun in the moment.

Team name: Kiss Ass!

5 things I have learned from this injury so far:

1. It’s okay to express your emotions. At times, I felt silly being so sad about not being able to do an activity I enjoyed. After all, I have so many other good things in my life. However, a loss is a loss, whether it is temporary or permanent. You can mourn an activity, as you can mourn the loss of a relationship, a job, or a place.

2. Set limits and boundaries. I had a friend who would send me pictures after each of her classes. I was proud of her accomplishments, but seeing her pictures just made me sad. I let her know that I was happy for her, but to stop sharing them with me.

3. Stay connected. Even though I am not around the studio, I know I am not forgotten. They are still my friends even though I can’t climb to the top of a 20 foot silk and drop to the ground with them. I love seeing them outside the studio, getting texts, & calls from them and hearing what’s going on in their lives and listening to the gossip (I know I’m bad, but I am a sucker for gossip.)

Fire eating with a fun aerial friend

4. Find another activity that you enjoy. For me, I decided to start writing this blog to give me something else to focus on. I also love running.

My running medals proudly displayed over my running washing machine

5. Patience. This one is the hardest one for me and will be always be a work in progress. I had a very wise friend say to me, “what’s a year in the course of a lifetime.” Initially, I was annoyed by this comment. I thought there is no way this is going to take a year. I can’t miss out on a year. That would be the end of the world. (I’m a bit dramatic sometimes). Now seeing how long this is taking and understanding that not every injury is straightforward, I see that she is right. A year is nothing in the course of a life time.

2018 Hungry Hungry Human Best Costume Winners

37 thoughts on “Hungry Hungry Humans and the Psychological Ramifications of Sports Injuries

  1. I love the pics of your kiss ass team. You guys rock.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I enjoyed reading this, it’s important to set boundaries and have patience . I’m
    Learning that for certain things too

    Liked by 3 people

    1. So glad to hear! These are life long lessons, that’s for sure.


  3. Speaking Bipolar June 4, 2018 — 10:30 pm

    Hungry, Hungry Humans looks like so much fun! It is important to find something you enjoy.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The Haunted Wordsmith June 5, 2018 — 3:26 am

    Fantastic post!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I like your teams costumes. Thumbs up for the post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow I know exactly how you feel! I injured my wrist preparing for a show last year, and also made the decision to (temporarily) take a break from aerial and circus to rest it and save money… however, that was almost a year and a half ago – my wrist is still problematic and money is still tight so I haven’t been able to go back! I miss it so much, and hate and love seeing videos of my friends’ progress in equal measures. It’s such a strange bittersweet jealousy! I’ve been focussing on my other love, travel, recently to try and take my mind off it, but my body really misses being used and pushed to the limits that aerial used to! Thanks so much for sharing! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! It sounds like we are in the same boat! There is something about aerial that makes it so addicting. I miss it so much. I’m glad you found something else you enjoy. I’m trying as well, but it’s been a challenge. Thanks for commenting. I look forward to checking out your blog and reading about your adventures.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. This looks so much fun, i love the pictures!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I loved the Hungry Hippos game when I was a kid. The Human Hippos version looks even more fun.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. These photos are so priceless, nice post.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. bossLadyBLOOM June 5, 2018 — 4:13 pm

    I too am a psych major and i dont know if we will ever figure out life or parenting

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Justice Eziefule June 5, 2018 — 6:05 pm

    I don’t know much on this, but I do love your team costume. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Oh my goodness! This looks like so much fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. vivirewellness June 5, 2018 — 10:11 pm

    Love the costumes, so cool!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Wow!! That game hungry hungry humans looks so much fun!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I can relate to this. I ended up traveling and trekking way too much than I was supposed to. I ended up twisting my ankle and hurt myself.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. So fun! I have recently started running!

    Liked by 2 people

  17. These points are so true! Love the photos as well!

    Liked by 2 people

  18. This look super fun, lol. I have wanted to try an Ariel class for a while, but I have been scared to do it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You should definitely do it! It’s a great way to build strength and get in shape.


  19. Awesome post and the costumes too.

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Simerbir Singh June 7, 2018 — 4:15 pm

    It was a good read. I love the costumes.


  21. Ok, I want to try this hungry hungry humans game almost more than I want to do anything else!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Haha! I hope you get the opportunity someday!


  22. That patience part is so hard but so important. Hope you’re healed soon and ready to get back in action.

    Liked by 2 people

  23. I find aerial so addictive that it is hard to be patient sometimes. I’ve had injuries from other sports and I think your body lets you know when you are ready to return safely. Good on you for cross training with running. I wish you a speedy recovery. I just saw your blog through #aerial antics and your writing is very interesting. I think you are doing something right with the parenting (I remember your sweet daughter sitting so patiently and focussed during one of the classes). I am glad you made it back for the hungry humans event, it looks like a lot of fun. Congrats on the costume win too!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for reading and your comment. Exactly! The addictiveness of aerial is what has made these months so challenging for me. I miss it more than you can put into words (even though I try, as you can see!). And thank you for the compliment on my daughter. She misses coming to classes too! She loved sitting there watching a movie and eating snacks for 90 minutes. Consider signing up for the blog. There is more to this story that I will be sharing in due time. Enjoy your aerial practice & I hope we cross paths once I’m back.


  24. Having a lot of injuries this year from running I can relate to this, No idea how I would get that game going though!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. The Amazing Tea Company June 8, 2018 — 11:57 pm

    Brought back pleasant childhood memories – hungry hungry hippo!

    Liked by 1 person

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